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Saturday 4 January 2014

We're back off holiday.

I would like to say it's nice to be back off holiday but I can't I had to much of a good time and didn't want to come home home. I'm going fore a snooze now so will let Dad take over for now.

We all had a great time and Sheba loved it, 95% of her walking was off lead and she got loads of praise off people for being so well behaved, she was a real pleasure to be out with and didn't let us down once came back when called, walked to heel when required and was just the perfect companion  even Mum fell in love with her seeing the true Sheba, it's nice to see all the training has paid off and I've got a dog I can be proud of and take anywhere I lost count of how many doggy and human friends she made. She used to just sit and lap up all the attention, on one occasion a group of young lads in the village wandered over to stroke her including one nervous looking lad who I found out was scared of dogs but Sheba worked her magic and put him at ease.

One thing Sheba taught me this weekend is there's more to life than blogging and Social Media, we never had wifi and I didn't even miss it, so I probably won't spend as much time on facebook or this blog and concentrate more on Sheba I don't want to lose the Sheba I saw on holiday.

Chilling with Dad.

One of my many doggy friends I met on holiday.

Some of the treats I got for Christmas.


  1. Yes, the magic moments go by too quickly. Sometimes it is hard finding the right balance.

  2. We agree with Brian. Glad you had such a grand time. Have a serene Sunday and get some big easy on today.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Wow! I'm so glad you had a great time!! It is nice to get away from all the social media stuff once and a while, I agree!
    ((Husky hugz))
    "Love is being owned by a husky"

  4. I think it is important to regroup and unplug. We forget when we blog about our animals that they need attention from us too. I am guilty of that and have to improve on spending more quality time with them too. Happy New Year! Welcome back and WELL DONE SHEBA!

  5. Glad you had such a good time! Glad you're back! Happy New Year and good for Sheba! What a good girl!
