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Monday 13 January 2014

Holiday photos of Tarn Hows.

This is one of our favourite walks when on holiday. Tarn Hows is a well known beauty spot with well maintained paths suitable for all ages and the disabled. The car parking is run by the National Trust and not cheap but all the money does go back into maintaining the Tarn. It doesn't matter what time of year you visit it's always busy.

Me on my way out of the water.

Me in the middle of mid shake.

Me showing Mum and Grandma the way.

Dad and Grandma.

More information about Tarn Hows here.

Google images of Tarn Hows here.


  1. Wow that was a great time splashing and sploshing. Lovely views. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. There are so many different WINTERTIME colors here.. What a LOVELY place to have gone. Your grandma is CUTE. You are LUCKY to have this wonderful place to have had so much fun.

    1. We don't usually go so late in the year but so glad we did, the colours were amazing.


  3. Oh Sheba...that is a beautiful place. I bet it is a lovely walk because the scenery is so pretty and there is water to romp in. Thank you for showing us Tarn Hows.
    *Cairn cuddles*

  4. Sorry if this is a duplicate message but my first one didn't go though properly.
    Anyways I love these photos, looks like a very beautiful place!!!!
    ((Husky hugz))
    "Love is being owned by a husky"

  5. Your photos are just lovely!!! I am having a lot of trouble with your blog lately too.......loading it is taking super long and I don't know why. Have a great day!

  6. What a beautiful spot to spend your holiday, Sheba. We are going to read about Tarn Hows now! :)

  7. Awww. Beautiful spot! We don't have parks like you guys do.

    It's pretty cool when you go in long walks with the humans.

  8. Your holiday photos are very nice. I enjoy every moment in holiday with my family. So i like holy day and every day waiting for holiday.

  9. sheba...theeze pick sure R awesum two...its nice ta see sum countree side...we look out de windows N see...houses, houses, streets N houses.......looks like everee one hada soooper grate time !!!
