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Tuesday 7 January 2014

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday.

I took this photo on holiday, I don't know what went wrong with it but decided to keep it because of the colours it looks like snow but isn't.


  1. That DOES look like Snow... and trust US... WE KNOW what snow looks like.

  2. lol i totally thought that was snow until I read that!!! Great photo!
    ((husky hugz))
    "love is being owned by a husky"

  3. It does look like a very pretty frost. Whatever it is, it's pretty!

  4. Oh my gosh, and I totally thought it was snow. That is a cool photo either way! Oh, and thank you for your wonderful comment on my blog post the other day. I would love to work together on our common "issue"...I have an idea that I am currently working on and will let you know about it when I get it figured out.
    Happy WW

  5. meowloz guys...hope yur holly day wuz grate N everee one iz settlin bak in two roo teen !!! we like thiz pick sure spesh a lee coz de treez iz BURD FREE !!!!

    1. Our holiday was fantastic thank you. I don't think Cody and Coco liked theres much, the cattery is under new ownership and gone down hill time to find a new cattery.

  6. The camera played tricks with me this year, I've got some other photos that have turned out almost black and white and look really stormy despite being glorious sunshine. I will put them up in a seperate post.

  7. What a pretty picture!

  8. Wow, that DOES look like snow. Very pretty! :)

  9. You fooled me! My first thought was "ah, winter wonderland!"

  10. Yes, dusting of SNOW. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  11. you know sometimes the best pics happen when we don't know what happened!! lol I love it when I make sense :)

  12. Probably the camera flash... or maybe your lens is fogged up... Well, some things do turn out for the best because of accidents... Perfection in imperfection.
