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Monday 21 October 2013

#ScoopThatPoop: Poetry and Giveaways.

Today I'm joining the 3rd #ScopThatPoop campaign and blog hop. Kindly hosted by Sugar the Golden Retriever and co hosted by Oz the TerrierThe World According to Garth Riley, My GBV LifePawsitively Pets, The Lazy Pit Bull and  Dogster

Todays blog hop focuses on ScoopThatPoop poetry and there are prizes to be won.

Cody, Coco, My good self or human Dad are no good at poetry so I had to turn to my human Mum for help.

When your dog poops
You don't have to go through a hoop 
To scoop that poop

You're bad
if you don't have a bag
So be glad
And get a bag

You can find out more about the poetry contest and prizes at Sugar the Golden Retriever


  1. Bravo....clap....clap...clap. Great message and we always do pick up the poo. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. BOL! Tell your mom that she wrote a great poem, Sheba. Thanks for joining the hop and spreading the word about #ScoopThatPoop!
    *Cairn cuddles*

  3. sheba...hope ya win de contest...N cody M coco noe all bout scooopin de poopin !!!

    1. Thank you I don't think we will win there's to much good competition, Dad says it's not the winning that matters it's the taking part, I don't believe him BOL.


  4. That's a very good poo-em! It's always important to have a bag :o)

  5. We pick up our Poo, well her in doors doze BOL xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. Nice work...thanks for joining the hop :)

  7. Great work picking up that poop! Great poem.

  8. Poetry is tough Sheba...Momz and me are no good at it but your Hu-Mom did a great job

  9. PAWsome POOP POETRY. Golden Happy that you guys participated, Lots of Golden Thanks and Woofs, Sugar

  10. Pawsome poem promotes precise poop pile pick up! :)
