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Monday 31 March 2014

Sunshine Award.

I got awarded the Sunshine award by my good friend Hawk @ browndog cbr I'm honoured thank you.

The conditions for this award are to mention ten things about myself, that should be easy I could talk all day about myself.

1) I love water as long as I'm not being bathed in it.

2) I love snow especially when my staff throw snow balls for me to catch in my mouth.

3) I was born the runt of the litter,

4) I am leash reactive meaning I don't like strange dogs when I'm on the lead,

5) My staff always take me on holiday with them.

6) I love going to the pub with Dad so I can meet new people, don't tell Mum though.

7) I love my Grandma because she spoils me.

8) I've got lots of beds but the cats won't let me use them.

9) I'm very protective of my staff and won't tolerate idiots.

10) Dad bought a new car aka my taxi just so I would have more room in the back to get comfortable.

Now the hard part to pass on the love to 10 other Blogs theres to many to choose from.


  1. Congrats on your award, love reading more. Thank you so much for thinking of us!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS on the Super Award... we loved learning MORE about you... WE wish WE had a grandma to Spoil US, Sheba.

  3. Congrats on getting the sunshine award!!!!!!!! You deserve it for sure!!!
    I really appreciate you thinking of us to pass it on to!!!
    We luvs awards!!! you da bestest!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  4. Hey Sheba!
    Wow, congrats on the sweet award and thanks so much for thinking of me! We have lots in common since I love water too and want to be spoiled and I think my peeps' car is just for me to ride in. BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  5. Thank you so much for the lovely Cheerful award, we are so behind with blogging at the moment. Have a super week xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. Congrats on your fab award and thank so much for sharing withme xxx

  7. conga ratz two ewe sheba on yur awardz & manee thanx for thinkin of uz....

    de food service gurl heer in trout towne izza pantz but tho, N her will knot let
    uz play along with awards any mor :( we thanx ewe any way... N ther iz noe reezon
    FOR ewe ta use YUR beds thatz why cody & coco took em !!!! :) :) :) :) :)
