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Monday 25 March 2013

Blog updates and changes.

I've just made a couple of changes to my blog.

 With Google reader no longer being available after 1st July 2013, I've been looking around for alternatives and decided to go with Bloglovin. 

Also with Google feedburner's future being unknown i thought it was time for a change, I've enjoyed using feedburner but know one seems to know what's going on with them, and after Googling the signs don't look good it doesn't seem to be supported any longer, with the API being shutdown, adsense for feeds being scrapped, twitter and there blog not being updated It's any ones guess what's going on.

Personally i can't just see Google pulling the plug on feedburner not without prior warning anyhow, to many bloggers use there services and it would upset a lot of people that's if Google care about there customers or do they think there to big to care. So I've changed over to Mailchimp just to be prepared in case anything changes.

The main reason for this post is I've changed all my subscribers over to Mailchimp so nothing should change and you should all still get notification of latest posts in your inbox. As far as i know I've set everything up properly but you never know, I'm not that computer literate with technical stuff and if anything can break i will break it.

I'd be very much appreciated if you could give me any feedback positive or negative on how everything is and whether you received this blog post in your inbox, and whether the sign up form looks ok I've deleted all the fields off the sign up form, name's website etc so you just need an email address to sign up which i think makes things easier.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Ian and Sheba.


  1. I subscribe to you via email and yep I received it!

  2. I wonder if you need to worry about those who subscribe to your actual feed through a reader? I don't subscribe to blogs via email or I would probably go insane lol. I am subscribed to yours via GFC, so I don't really see an issue with that in the future. I've been pondering using MailChimp for a newsletter, but still brainstorming on that!

    1. I know what you mean by emails, most of the blogs i subscribe to are through GFC.

      I've still got the feed open with feedburner, i just disabled the email option.

      I just want to give people different options to subscribe.

  3. You popped up in my mail box, just fine xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  4. We now get you through blogger. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. meowloz anda ton oh trout twozday sheba N cody; we get a notiss that ewe haza new post via regular on de dash bored... and we just signed up for email notiss ...we iz knot veree smart bout this stuff... but we noe sum times if ya DON'T have google plus, like us, it's hard to keep trak oh those that due....hope ewe both haza grate day !

  6. We got wooos in our email this morning! Play bows,

