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Monday, 17 November 2014

RIP Coco.

Sadly we had to make that heart breaking descision to let Coco join the rest of the clan at Rainbow Bridge.

We got a phone call off the vets to say his kidneys were damaged but not critical and he needed all his teeth out, I thought that's not a problem I went to get the money to pay for his treatment when I got another phone call to say she had had another look at the ultra sound and had found a tumor.

After losing Oscar to FeLV I can't believe we've had to make the same heartbreaking descision again, It was in Coco's best interests though and we've always said we wont let a pet suffer no matter how hard it is to let go.

I just feel like shutting the outside world out and getting drunk I think It's only right we celebrate his life no matter how short it was.

RIP Coco.

Gone but never forgoten I might not of known you as long as I would of liked, but you spread a lot of happiness in that short space of time, tea time won't be the same without you trying to rob a sausage, pork pie or egg custard off my plate, I would give anything to get them nights back, and who's going to help me make fish pie.

Coco with his best mate.

Cody and Coco.

Please say your prayers for Coco.

Hi everyone we might not be around for a while, we've had to rush Coco to the vets and the vet thinks It's kidney failure she's just running tests now to determine it and if so he might not be coming home. Just waiting for a phone call now.

Please keep Coco in your thoughts.

I will keep you all updated but at the moment I don't feel like blogging.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Cody grooming Coco.