Happy Valentines Day
Well today is the big day that we've all been building up to and looking so forward to. Yes that's correct It's Mollie and Rangers Valentines Ball and what an event it's been there's been so much going on.
We're all having a great time with lovely food. Cody and i never won any of the prizes but It't the taking part that counts not the winning, but it doesn't matter because we both hit the jackpot with our respective dates.
I was Chaperoned by the lovely Grady and Grady was also escorting Ash.
Cody escorted the lovely Daisy.
I managed to grab Cody for a quick dance though.
Big thanks to Mollie and Ranger, who without this event would never have happened and not forgetting everyone who helped out behind the scenes with catering, costumes, security and transport.
I've got to dash off and try and find Cody again, It's my Birthday later on today and Cody's on the missing list again. I will get my Birthday post up later.