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Monday 18 May 2015

Sheba chilling out with Grandma.

I hope this post works I'm using the blogger app on my new phone. If it does it will make things a lot easier for when I'm not at home.


  1. It worked!! is DARLING!!! Sheba you are such a good woofie! Now that the phone app worked for you, I may try it while I am at BlogPaws!!!

  2. Hooray! It worked, Ian! How sweet these pictures of Sheba and Grandma are. :)

  3. ~~~~~~ waves ta sheba.....meowloz two ewe sheba...hope all iz well with ewe, cody, mum, dad, & gram...we bet gram loves havin ewe rite ther with her....ewe look veree content ♥♥♥ nice ta see ewe bak ♥♥♥
