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Saturday 7 June 2014

Sheba's been to the vets.

Hi everyone I'm sorry I've not been around much lately.

We had to phone the vets on Thursday for Sheba she developed a sore which was spreading turned out to be a hot spot.

I thought the vet might of shaved around the infected area but the vet didn't shave her because he thought it would be to painful to get the clippers on her so has gave her a course of tablets to try and clear the infection up and take away the swelling, she's on 4mg Medrone which is a steroid anti inflammatory and 500mg Cephacare which is an antibiotic and we've got to go back next Thursday when he might shave it.

She's not happy having the collar on .

Sheba's hot spot.

Cody being nurse maid he won't let Sheba out of his sight and cuddles up to her at night and Coco grooms her, the pair of them take turns to check on her, I think animals are amazing the way they look after the poorly.

We're off on holiday so I hope it's started heeling over by then so we can take the collar off her. Will keep you all up dated.


  1. Poor Sheba!!!! Hoping she feels better soon! Cody is on Prednisonol right now for allergies. He usually gets hot spots (but NOWHERE near as bad as Sheba's), but this time the allergy caused a flare-up in his mouth. He got a giant lump on one side of his mouth, making him look like someone punched him in the mouth! He has been on meds all week and it has gone down considerably. Sending healing virual (((hugs))) and love to Sheba!

  2. OH SHEBA.... we are SO sorry to hear that you have a hot spot. THEY are miserable. Butt the Cone of Shame and the medicine should make it feel better Speedy Quick. We have our paws crossed fur you girrrrrrrl.

  3. Poor Sheba. Hope your HotSpot will go away soon.

  4. Oh Sheba, we're sorry you are going through that sweet friend. We are sending our best healing purrs to you.

  5. Poor Sheba!!!! As I was telling you on fb, I have not had any experience with hot spots as of yet, so i would have been scared as well! It is a nasty looking ouchy, thats for sure! Sending some power of the paw to you Sheba! Fast healing!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  6. Poor Sheba and we send healing vibes and POTP and we hope she gets well soon.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. Wishing Sheba a speedy recovery. So sweet that the cats are looking out for her xx

  8. Oh poor Sheba, good for Cody being a very good nurse. I hope Sheba is better soon xx
