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Thursday 25 July 2013

The Versatile Blogger Award.

I must of been a good girl, I've just received an award off Dogs N Paws the hosts of the Tuesday's Tails blog hop that features shelter animals looking for there forever homes.

The rules of this award are to pass it on to 15 bloggers, Wow how do you choose 15 bloggers from 100s.

Secondly we need to share 7 things about ourselves, Only 7 I could talk all day about myself.

7 Things about us.

1) I've got 2 brothers Cody and Coco both cats.
2) I like playing with the cats (Please don't tell anyone)
3) I've been known to fall asleep with the cats (Again keep it to yourself please)
4) I snore really loudly.
5) I'm a gentle giant despite what people think of my breed.
6) I love children and am really calm around them.
7) I keep thinking I'm a lap dog, if It's good enough for the cats it's good enough for me.


  1. Thank you so much for the mention! We're truly honored to be among the list with those other great bloggers!

    I love your 7 things! I can't believe you play with cats! That's a video I'd love to see! Titan snores but not as loud as my hubs. When Titan snores, I think it's cute. The hubs? Not so much! I love it when I see the words "Gentle Giant". It makes me think of a cuddle bed bunny! :)

    Thank you again! Your award is well deserved! Congrats!

  2. OMD thank you so much. We will add it to tomorrows' post and pop it onto our awards page with pride. Nice one. LOL we snore loudly too. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. I eat children but I sleep with Alf..BOL Big congrats on the lovely award and thank you for sharing with us..wooHooooo xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  4. Concatulations on your award! We have a dog that likes to think he's a cat too. Thank you for passing the award on to us.

  5. Condogulations on your award! {pssst, Sheba...I like cats too - I won't tell if you don't}

  6. Congratulations on your award!
    Your secret about the cats is safe with me! I get on very well with my cats. They tell me I'm too big to be a lap dog, so you have my sympathy!

  7. Congratulations on your wonderful award!! Nothing better than the name "CODY" eh? :)

  8. Congratulation on your award. You deserve it! Thankyou for passing the award to us. We will gladly pass it on. Check out our blog today we our doing our 1st Fun Friday Find!

  9. Congratulations on your awesome award, Sheba! And yes, of COURSE you are a good girl! :)

    Thank you for sharing your award with us. We are honored!


  10. Congrats on the awards and thanks so much for sharing it with me :-)

  11. Congrats on the award and THANK you for giving it to us!

    Have a great week


  12. Congratulations on your award!! Well deserved! I must humbly apologize for my delay in responding as my Momma had this on her list of to do's and is failing miserably. Thank you so very much for thinking of us with this generous award. So very kind of you. Thank you thank you thank yoU! WOOF!

  13. We are even more remiss than Pirantha Banana, but thank you belatedly as we seem to be living most of our lives lately. We are your fans and wish we were as interesting as you are.
