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Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Wordless Wednesday ( Mouse Mat )

Picture of a Wolf on a mouse mat.

Dad's new mouse mat.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Happy Mothers Day.

Mother's day greeting

Happy Mother's day to all you Mums out there, i hope you're all getting spoilt and your other halfs are cooking and doing the housework.

We've got Grandma coming over for tea when she finishes work, so I've got to pick her up in Dad's car I'm just the back seat passenger though barking out directions BOL.

I love picking up Grandma from work, she works at Queenscourt Hospice and I'm allowed in and all the nursing staff make a big fuss of me.

Funny pic, of dog saying his prayers

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Mum's new crafty blog.

Hi everyone Dad's been busy setting up Mum's new craft blog ( Cody's Crafty Delights ) which has just gone live today. Hopefully Cody will stay over that side now instead of trying to take over my blog like he has my bed BOL.

The blog will feature articles about Tunisian Crochet, Normal Crochet, Knitting, Loom Knitting, Latch Hooking, Tapestry, Cross Stitching and any other crafty subjects.

Some of Mum's work.

Latch hooking, pic of wolf

latch hooking pic of cat

Round crocheted cat blancket

Square Crocheted cat blanket

Square Crocheted cat blanket

If anyone would like to pop over and say hi i know Mum would be pleased to meet you and answer any questions you may have. Mum can be found over @ Cody's Crafty Delights trying to control the Lion sorry i mean cat inbetwean beavering away.