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Showing posts with label Dogs of 9/11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dogs of 9/11. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Remembering the hero dogs of 9/11.

We’d like to remember just how much dogs helped humans in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. If there was ever a time in history where dogs proved their distinction as Man’s Best Friend, it was during this unimaginable and overwhelming tragedy.

The 9/11 attacks brought about the largest deployment of Search and Rescue (SAR) dogs in U.S. history. Over 350 trained SAR dogs and handlers came to the Twin Towers site and the Pentagon to search for survivors and to find bodies. The SAR dogs were mostly Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Collies, along with some Spaniels, Dachshunds, other pure breeds and plenty of talented mutts.

This event created a remarkable elevation of the human-canine bond, where dogs and people worked together, understood each other's needs, and helped each other on physical, emotional and even spiritual levels, to get through a crisis neither species understood. Over and over again, there were amazing scenarios of dogs helping people and people helping dogs.

As the dogs worked with their handlers up to 16 grueling hours a day, it soon became apparent that the dogs were nearly as distraught as the human rescuers when there were so few survivors to be found. For the human rescue workers, the lack of survivors made the attacks feel ever more horrific and tragic. For the dogs trained to find survivors, though, it felt like a personal failure.

From a SAR dog's perspective, being a good dog means you do your job and find the people you're supposed to find. The long days of climbing through rubble, squeezing through tight spaces, sniffing every nook and cranny and finding no living people caused the dogs great stress รข€“ they seemed to think this failure was their fault. Handlers and other rescue workers had to regularly hide in the rubble in order to give the dogs a successful find, and keep their spirits up.

After only a week or so, it became apparent that no more survivors were to be found. The SAR dogs trained to find the living were honorably discharged from duty, as heroes. Dogs trained to find the deceased took over. They worked side by side with their handlers dutifully, for weeks on end.
There was a support system in place to care for the dogs, who could become exhausted, overwhelmed or injured. A canine medical camp was set up to treat them. Sometimes a chiropractor would come in and give dogs a soothing massage to relieve stress and sore muscles.

A few weeks into the rescue, a SAR dog named Servus, a Belgian Malinois, fell head-first 20 feet into a jagged pocket within the rubble. The reaction that followed demonstrates how much a SAR dog means to his handler and disaster workers. The crew stopped what they were doing and worked frantically to save the fallen dog. His handler climbed down and found Servus suffocating, his nose filled with dust and debris. Servus was in shock. The crew lifted him out, cleared his nostrils and gave him oxygen. A nurse shaved a leg and inserted an IV. Then, he was placed in the back of a police cruiser and sped off with three police motorcycle escorts, blaring sirens and flashing lights to get Servus to the nearest animal hospital. Servus recovered and demanded to return to work the very next day!

Not every dog dispatched in the recovery effort worked in the rubble. Some dogs were dispatched specifically for therapy. They are trained to detect stress and trauma in humans and aided the people who worked long days doing the heartbreaking job of finding human remains. The dogs brought comfort to weary, stressed workers. The SAR dogs also took on side duties of comforting their handlers and other workers who were overwhelmed.

One dog hero of 9/11 was actually on the 71st floor of the north tower when the plane hit. Dorado, a Labrador Retriever, was a guide dog for his blind owner. When glass was flying everywhere, the heat and smoke were intense, and there was panic all around, the blind man knew he had no chance of getting out. He unleashed his dog and commanded him to go, so he could escape and live. Dorado was swept up in the panic, but moments later found his owner and insisted that he move. Dorado guided his owner down 70 flights of crowded stairs. It took an hour to get out, but they emerged to safety just before the building collapsed.

Search and Rescue Dogs save human lives every day. The magnitude of 9/11 brought over 300 of these devoted canines together, bringing international attention as to how remarkable they are. After 9/11, some SAR dogs retired from duty and lived out the rest of their lives as pets. Some went on to work other major disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina.

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Tuesday 10 September 2013

Remembering the heroes of 9/11.

I can't believe 12 years have gone by since the tragic event of 9/11 it only seems like yesterday it's still that fresh in my mind so I dread to think what people involved in the rescue, who lost loved ones or worked and lived near to the Twin Towers must be going through. I was working when the tragedy unfolded and one of my work mates came in and said a plane had hit the twin towers and they were on fire I thought it was a joke at first and was waiting for the punchline, and then I saw it on the TV at lunch time.

On the evening of his team's arrival, Jake walked into a fancy Manhattan restaurant wearing his search-and-rescue vest and was promptly treated to a free steak dinner under a table.

"He was a great morale booster wherever he went," says Flood. "He believed that his cup was always full, never half-full. He was always ready to work, eager to play - and a master at helping himself to any unattended food items."

And lets not forget Sirius the only dog to die on 9/11. More information here.

The Memorial looks really nice and seems very popular as I'm sure the Museum will be.

Constructed underground in the former World Trade Center's "archaeological heart," the museum will feature 110,000 square feet of exhibition space, according to the website for the National September 11 Memorial & Museum foundation.

It will house a vast array of 9/11 artifacts, including "photographs, videotapes, voice messages, recovered property, clothing and other personal effects, workplace memorabilia, (and) incident-specific documents," among other items, according to the site.

Located at the site of the former World Trade Center, the National September 11 Memorial has two huge, square fountains that mark the footprints of the World Trade Center towers that flow into granite reflecting pools at the center of the eight-acre, tree-lined plaza. Bronze plates surround the fountains and bear the names of the nearly 3,000 people killed in the 2001 attacks, as well as the six who were killed when a terrorist truck bomb exploded in the parking garage beneath the towers in 1993.

Sarah Lippman, a spokeswoman for the facility said the memorial, which opened September 12, 2011, has had 4.5 million visitors in its first year.

"Over the last few years, we have made extraordinary progress at ground zero and today's agreement is yet another milestone in our work to finally complete the site as a place where people from around the world can come to work, visit and remember," said Cuomo, who along with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie oversees the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. "I commend Gov, Christie, Mayor Bloomberg, and the leadership of the Port Authority and the September 11 Memorial & Museum for their work on today's agreement."

Lets take a moment to remember Roselle who sadly passed away on Sunday June 26th 2011.

Roselle was the guide dog of Michael Hingson, Roselle guided Michael down from the 78th floor of Tower One to safety, You can read about Michael and Roselle's remarkable story in the book Thunder Dog, It is a very moving story and one I highly recommend I couldn't put it down. you can also read about them here.

Another good book to read is Dog Heroes of September 11th more information here.

God Bless America From The UK.

I'm sorry this post is not so wordless.