Saturday, 27 October 2012

In memory of Oscar.

In memory of.
07/2007 - 10/2011
Oscar sitting in the grass.
 We can't believe it's been 12 months since you departed this world to go over the Rainbow Bridge to play with your sister Millie and the rest of the menagerie who went before you.
Oscar being stroked.
We were sorry to let you go but we couldn't let you suffer it wouldn't of been fair on any of us. It would of been cruel to keep pumping you full of medication without you having that quality of life.
Oscar watching the birds.

We have got a new cat now Cody Catty but don't worry he's not a replacement, we could never replace you you were one in a million. You probably know about Cody anyhow you've probably seen him when you've been back to visit us, i certainly think you've had a word or two with him, he's developed a few of your traits ie tripping me up on the stairs, ambushing me on the stairs if I'm carrying Chicken or Salmon upstairs for his supper he tries to grab the bowl off me and empty it before i get upstairs, he likes his cuddles on the stairs and his night time treats. Oh and one more thing he's a Mummy's boy.

Oscar lying on a wooden pallet, looking at the camera.

You might of left this world but you will never be forgotton, run free now free from pain and suffering.
Lots of love Mum, Dad, Sheba and Cody. 

 Related post Rainbow Bridge.


  1. Time definitely flies by. RIP Oscar. Watch over your family as they love you always.

  2. What a lovely tribute to your sweet Oscar. He was beautiful and I'm sure he's watching over all of you and giggling at Cody's antics! :)

  3. Sending you huge (((((hugs)))))) about Oscar. You are so right about not "replacing him" When my Bobo passed and I adopted MY "Cody" 2 weeks later, I was overcome with guilt. The vet said, "you aren't replacing Bobo, you are just making memories with a NEW cat"

    1. I don't think we could replace our pets, there all individuals with different charachters.

  4. Lovely tribute to dear Oscar. We are sure he watches over you.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Thank you Molly Oscar still pays us visits in our dreams and you can still feel his presence at times.


  5. Oh what a nice tribute to Oscar. He sure was a handsome boy. Glad he had such a good home for a little while. Take care.

  6. what a beautiful feline, you can see the depth of his soul in his eyes- hail to you Oscar for leaving your pawprint upon your family's hearts. until all our souls gather and cross again- rest peacefully- margeaux, tiera kitty, & of course jesse j.

    1. Thank you M and tiera, Oscar left a very big paw print on our hearts.


  7. Hi Y'all!

    What a sweet beautiful memory of a lost love.

    Thanks for stoppin' to visit!
    All kinds of mischief going on...
    Have a wonderful week!

    Y'all hurry back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. Oh so sad but a wonderful tribute. We miss our sweet cat too!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  9. PS. We DEFINITELY want a picture of Sheba for my Sunday Spotlight!! Thanks for asking! katie @

  10. What a handsome cat! I also lost my kitty in September to cancer. It sounds like you did the right thing for him. Love the speckles of white in his black fur and markings on his face. Very cute.

    1. I'm sorry to hear about you losing your cat in September, you're right we done what was best for him.


  11. Now I'm really sad :(

    Don't worry. I'm sure Oscar is happy that you got Cody. And besides, he gets to play with Millie now!

    Huggies and Cheese,


  12. Oscar looks like such a wonderful kitty. Our animal lives are already so short; it's awful when we have to leave even sooner. I bet he had a really wonderful life with you and your family though.

  13. Oscar had a great life with us even though it was cut short.

