Monday, 15 October 2012

Happy Birthday Mum.

It's my human Mum's birthday today it will be her third Birthday this year now that is some going not even the Queen gets that many. I will explain how she ended up with three Birthdays on Saturday Dad cooked a birthday meal and pampered Mum, on Sunday Grandma invited us all along so Mum got another meal cooked for her and more presents and today Monday is her official Birthday i can see Mum getting used to all this fuss.

I've been sworn to secrecy not to give her age away so i will give you all a little clue if she was a dog she would be 6 years old.

 It was a nice gesture of Dad's to cook for Mum but i need to educate him why cook spicy food Knowing Cody and I cant have any. I really need to get my thinking cat on and find a way to bury them spices in the garden.

Photo of cat on dogs head. Caption I've got my thinking cat on.

Saturday fared a lot better at Grandma's the humans had Roast Chicken so of course some came my way at last common sense prevails them humans can use there brain if they want to . If you're reading this Dad take note Spices is a no no Meat and fish is fine as long as you keep them spices away from it.

Sheba looking up at Anne and Grandma.
Come on one of you must have some Chicken in your hand i know you can't resist these eyes for long.

Sheba standing by the bird bath.
I like the bird bath it makes a great drinking bowl for dogs.

Anne sniffing the roses.
Why are you sniffing the flowers that's a dogs job.

Mum reading her Birthday card.
Mum reading her Birthday card.

Mum opening her present.
Mum opening her present.

Cat picture on wrapping paper.
Of course Grandma had to get catty paper.

Mum having a fashion show, showing off her presents.
Mum having a fashion show, showing off her presents. 

Sheba giving Mum a kiss.
Happy Birthday Mum, do you want a kiss.

Table set for tea.
 Why is there four chairs and only three places set, i think they've forgot someone.

Anne feeding Sheba a treat.
Have you got something in your hand for me.

Mum relaxing in the chair in the conservatory.
Mum looks half asleep has she had to much wine to drink. 
I don't think you were supposed to take that photo Dad.

I had a great time on Saturday and got a Doggy bag and a Catty bag for Cody. I think the Chicken was meant for the humans but where Chicken is concerned you need to be quick very quick.

Happy Birthday Mum.
Mum's Birthday card.

I'm not saying who's idea this card was.
Love Sheba and Cody.



  1. Happy Happy Happy birthday :)

    Hey, I was "six" on my birthday this year too :)

    1. Hi Connie thanks for visiting. Mum says thanks for the Birthday wishes.


  2. Happy Birthday Sheba's mom!

    Sheba, I have something nice for you that maybe your mom will like too...

    1. Hi onebluedog thank you very much for the award, and on Mum's birthday to.

      I will get a post up about it soon.


  3. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and we are glad you had a lovely weekend. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. A big Happy Birthday a day late but better than not at all. Looks like a great birthday for sure. Love all the pictures. They were great. Love the kitty paper. Have a great day.

    1. Hi Marg thank you for visiting. Mum says thank you and she's glad you like the kitty paper.


  5. trying this again because there was a problem leaving a comment.
    It is sooooooo nice to see that you love her sooooooo much! What a lucky lady!
    My Mom especially loved this because she is a Libra too! Her birthday is Saturday!
    Love, Cody

  6. Aww, happy happy birthday!!
    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig
