To be perfectly honest we shouldn't even be having this conversation or blog hop, as a nation of dog lovers it should be second nature to scoop the poop after all when you buy a dog you should be prepared. I don't know about a nation of dog lovers it's a pity we're not a nation of intelectuals who understand what keeping a dog consists of.
Unfortunately this time of year things get worse, with the leaves falling off the trees covering the poop people think out of site out of mind would they be so lenient if there children fell face down in the poop or putting it in there mouths and ended up going blind because of there laziness.
Toxocara AKA Toxocariasis caused by round worm and the chances are people who don't pick up after there pets don't worm them either.
Dad thinks the heading Poop Patrol is very fitting because every time we go out for a walk he says it's like looking for land mines lurking in the under growth just waiting to be stood on.
Signs are no good if they're not enforced, and that's where the problems lie people know there's know one to enforce the fines.
And before we know it we will be seeing more signs like that above, which only serves to punish law abiding responsible dog owners.
Even the Dogs Trust is raising awareness.