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Saturday, 27 October 2012

In memory of Oscar.

In memory of.
07/2007 - 10/2011
Oscar sitting in the grass.
 We can't believe it's been 12 months since you departed this world to go over the Rainbow Bridge to play with your sister Millie and the rest of the menagerie who went before you.
Oscar being stroked.
We were sorry to let you go but we couldn't let you suffer it wouldn't of been fair on any of us. It would of been cruel to keep pumping you full of medication without you having that quality of life.
Oscar watching the birds.

We have got a new cat now Cody Catty but don't worry he's not a replacement, we could never replace you you were one in a million. You probably know about Cody anyhow you've probably seen him when you've been back to visit us, i certainly think you've had a word or two with him, he's developed a few of your traits ie tripping me up on the stairs, ambushing me on the stairs if I'm carrying Chicken or Salmon upstairs for his supper he tries to grab the bowl off me and empty it before i get upstairs, he likes his cuddles on the stairs and his night time treats. Oh and one more thing he's a Mummy's boy.

Oscar lying on a wooden pallet, looking at the camera.

You might of left this world but you will never be forgotton, run free now free from pain and suffering.
Lots of love Mum, Dad, Sheba and Cody. 

 Related post Rainbow Bridge.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Wordless Wednesday. (Gaining control of the couch.).

Sheba and Cody on the couch.
After Sheba and Cody trying to take over the couch last week.

I've managed to gain control again.

Cody lying on the back of the couch, Sheba lying on the floor and Dad lying on the couch.
I've managed to move one up and one down, so I'm piggy in the middle or the filling in the sandwich.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Super Sweet Blogging Award.

Super Sweet Blogging Award.

I must of been a good girl I've just received another blogging award from my good friend over at onebluedog I've never received this award before so to say I'm chuffed to bits is the understatement of the year.

I've been told i can't  have any cup cakes until I've answered these five questions and passed the award onto thirteen other bloggers. I better get on with it because I'm getting hungry now.

1. Cookies or Cake?  Tough one but Cookies just edges it.

2. Chocolate or Vanilla? The miserable humans won't let me have chocolate, they say it will make me poorly. Dad likes Dark Chocolate and Mum likes White Chocolate.

3. Favourite sweet treat? Custard cream biscuits. I get one of these as a special treat occasionally when I've been extra good.

Custard cream biscuit.

 4. When do you crave sweet things the most?  Whenever Mum and Dad aren't looking and i can sneak a biscuit or slice of cake when they're not looking.

5. If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be? I've been called a few names not all of them very sweet. Probably Pumpkin or Custard Cream because of my love of them.

That's the easy part out of the way now for the hard part.

  1. This ones easy and the first blog that comes to mind. jesse j over at BernerTails crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on Friday, so i would like to honour this in her memory R.I.P. jesse
     2.  Molly The Wally.
     4. Bailey Unleashed.

     5. Dakotas Den.

     7. Cat Chat.

     8. 2 Punk Dogs.

      9. We Three Doxies.

     10. Clowies Corner.
     11. Eva The Sheltie.
     12. Two French Bulldogs.
     13. Basset Momma.