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Wednesday, 25 July 2012

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday.

Blog Paws wordless Wednesday blog hop logo.

Cody unpacking the shoping
Sheba unpacking the shoping

Helping to unpack the shopping.

Cody helping with bath time
Cody helping with bath time

Cody the Life Guard making sure i don't drown in  the bath.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

I thought this was a lovely story.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

My weekend.

The weather's not been to bad this weekend. Not exactly what you would call summer but at least it has been dry.

I've enjoyed this weekend Dad got me ready for my walk than he put my car harness on me to keep me safe on the back seat. Which usually means one of three things I'm either going to the vets but my vaccinations aren't due or I'm poorly so i ruled that one out, I'm going to dog training but it wasn't Tuesday or I'm going for a nice drive away from my usual territory, luckily for me it was the later.

As i was looking out of the car window i didn't know were we were going until we pulled into the pet shop car park. I like going to the pet shop my nose goes into overdrive with all the smells, I'm like a kid in a sweet shop, most people compare to being more like a bull in a china shop though. I found this nice juicy bone on the shelf with my name on it, i thought it had been left especially for me, so i picked it up in my mouth to see if it was fresh, well the staff test the fruit and veg out at the supermarket to see if there fresh so why should it be different for me. I think Dad was to embarrassed to take it of me and put it back on the shelf after i had drooled all over it so he ended up buying it for me, I've stored that little trick in my memory bank to use again.

Than it was back in the car, i thought he had lost the plot on the way home when we started going the wrong way, but i was wrong we went to the Botanic gardens where i could stretch my legs.

Botanic Gardens

Botanic Gardens

Dad likes looking at the plants here. I'm sure he's hoping i will dig some up for him, but I'm far to polite for that behaviour, well at least when I'm out i am at home it's a different story.


Than we had a look at the peacock.

Lake at Botanic Gardens.

Than we had a walk around the lake.

It was a lovely walk especially with being off lead. There was lots of other dogs out  for there walks as well which was great plenty of bums for me to sniff, if Dad got up to half the things i do he would be arrested or get a black eye off some one. 

Than on the way back to the car just as my Dad was praising me for keeping clean it all went horribly wrong, it was at this point he was probably thinking i wish i had kept her on the lead. The good or bad thing about all the rain we've had depending on which way you look at it meant everywhere was waterlogged. I spotted puddles in the distance so i was off and running it wasn't until i ran into it i realised it was mud.

Sheba running

I'm off and running.

Sheba running

This photo looks like I'm trying to fly. Ears up ready for take off.

Playing in the mud

Playing in the mud

Oops i didn't realise it was that dirty. I'm sure i must have some Hippopotamus in me.

Playing in the mud
They say where there's muck there's money, it wasn't true in this case, just a horrible smell and boy did that stuff smell. Smelly water seems to attract me like a magnet.

Sheba having a scratch.

Sheba having a lie down.

After a good clean. It was time for a good scratch and a lie down.