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Monday, 25 June 2012

My Blog Awards.

What a special day it's been for me today. I only started Blogging last month and I've just received two Blog awards today, it means a lot to me getting these awards and i feel very privileged to of received them. Thank you.

Now there's only one problem with this I'm going to have to pay the staff overtime to thank everyone on my behalf, well you don't expect me to work on a Sunday do you that's what i employ the staff for.
I've just told them if there's problems just ask me and i will give you the answer while i just lie back with a big juicy bone and a nice bowl of cold fresh water.

First off is the Sunshine award given to me by The world according to garthriley.

Sunshine blog award.

 There are three rules for the Sunshine Award:
1. Answer 7 questions
2. Pass it on to ten people
3. Let them know they received the award.

1) What is your favourite number? 4 because I've got 4 paws. Pawsome answer i should be on stage.

2) Favourite non alcoholic beverage? Water of course is there any thing else.

3) Facebook or Twitter? Tough one i struggle with the both, but will say Facebook.

4) What is your favourite passion? I can be very passionate with the right dog. Sorry Dad i miss heard the question i thought you said am i passionate, them ear mites haven't come back have they? now back to the question in hand. Walking, playing in water, Helping dad in the garden even though i tend to dig the holes in the wrong place, oh and winding Mum up.

5) What is your favourite pattern? I like all the holes i dig, I've never really payed much notice to the pattern of them.

6) What is your favourite day of the week? Any day Mum and Dad go shopping they always bring something nice back for me.

7) What is your favourite flower? It's got to be Lillies.

Sheba  lying by the lillies.

Now I have to pass on the award to ten other blogs. 

The other Award is the very inspiring Blogger award. Givin to me by Dogs N Pawz.

Very inspiring blogger award.

(1) Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post. Thank you very much Dogs N Pawz for this lovely award.

(2) Share 7 things about yourself.

I like licking peoples feet.

I like going for walks.

I like reading my pmail when i'm out walking. 

I like playing in water.

I like swimming.

I like being around my humans.

I like Cody our cat.

(3) Nominate 15 bloggers you admire.

Dakota's Den.

Glogirly tails of a cat and her girl. 

Suka's just sayin.

Molly the Wally. The little dog with a blog.

Destructive puppy.

Bailey unleashed.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Mum's daytrip photos ( Not dog related )

Here are some photos of Mum's day out in Llandudno North Wales with Grandma as mentioned in my last post Cody's night time treats.

Happy Valley park Llandudno.

This is one of my favourites. The park.

Llandudno pier

The pier in Llandudno.

Llandudno seafront.

The sun came out and brought the crowds out. I could of had some fun greeting all them.

Grandma and her friend enjoying fish and chips on Llandudno seafront..

Grandma and her friend enjoying Fish and Chips.

The pebbled beach at Llandudno.

The pebbled beach.

The pebbled beach at Llandudno.

Another one of the pebbled beach.

Dog walking along Llandudno seafront.

I spot doggy.

The sandy beach at Llandudno.
The sandy beach.

The sea at Llandudno.

The sea at Llandudno.

I bet that sea is cold.

Side view going up towards the Great Orme.

Side view going up towards the Great Orme.

Grandma  with her friend

Grandma with her friend.

A wooden cat carving.

A wooden cat carving.

Pine cone wood carved seat.

Pine cone seat.

Mum on the coach.

Mum on the coach.

The war memorial on the promenade Llandudno.

The war memorial on the promenade.

It looks like they had a great day and the weather stayed dry. I had a good day at home with Dad he went to the garden centre for some plants, so that was my cue to get my paws into action and start digging some holes for him.

Please click the below links for more information on Llandudno.

I hope you enjoy Sheba.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Cody having his night time treats.

Just a quick video of Cody's night time routine.

Cody asked me nicely if i could post a video of him  on my Blog, having some Daddy one to one time. Seeing as i was in a good mood i said yes.

I should of previewed the video first before publishing it. If i knew what was going on in the bed room i never would of agreed to it. When will i ever learn. He's a copycat he knows that's my special thing with my Dad, I've got a sneaky suspicion he's been watching us.

Mum's going out for the day tomorrow to Llandudno in North Wales with Grandma and one of her friends, so Dad is staying at home to look after us two tearaways. So hopefully i will have some nice photos to show you all of there day trip. I wish they allowed dogs on the coach so i could go along with them. But then it wouldn't be fare on Cody because he would still have to stay at home with a member of my staff, it would be to long to leave him on his own. So i still wouldn't have my full pack with me.