Hi everyone.
I thought seeing as the Dogue de Bordeaux & Rottweiler breed profile posts were popular. I would do a section on Dog care & training.
I came across this link saved under my favourites while cleaning up my computer.
It's got lots of usefull information. I will add to this post as i find more usefull information.
Dog care & Training.
Clicker Training by Karen Pryor.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
History of the Rottweiler.
History of the Breed
The origin of the breed in Germany
It is believed that the Rottweiler (pronounced Rott-vile-er) has developed from Roman cattle dogs which had accompanied the herds following in the wake of the Roman armies through Switzerland and into Southern Germany. In the years 73 or 74 AD the 11th Legion of the Roman Empire laid out a camp on the bank of the river Neckar in the Wurtemberg area of Germany.
Many years later, the area grew into a little town whose small villas had roofs made of red tiles and the area became known as ‘das Rote Wil’ – the red roof tiles gave it the first half of its name ‘rot, while its origin as a Roman city gave it ‘wil’ for villa. Therefore, the city of red-roofed Roman villas evolved into the name ‘Rottweil’.
During the Middle Ages the Rottweiler was used for bear hunting and subsequently as a cattle dog. In that role the dog had to guard the herd at night, prevent any cattle from straying and drive the herd long distances by day. The need to control cattle, including dangerous bulls, meant that the dogs were bred to be strong and sturdy, similar to the breed we know today.
At that time there were many breeds endemic to the regions around Rottweil. These would probably have been the Sennenhunds, the breeds which would include the Bernese Mountain Dog, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Appenzeller and Entlebucher. These local dogs would probably have interbred with the dogs brought by the Romans and the Rottweiler’s similarity to these breeds is very evident, although the Rottweiler should carry no white on its chest.
In 1899 the International Club for Leonbergers and Rottweiler Dogs was formed in Germany and the first breed standard for the Rottweiler was produced by this club in 1901. The Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub [ADRK] followed on and was formed in August 1921. The ADRK is the governing body of Rottweilers in Germany and their motto still remains: “Rottweiler breeding is working dog breeding”.
[Logo reproduced with kind permission of the ADRK]
With the coming of the railways in the 19th century, cattle herding was forbidden by law and the Rottweiler was then without an occupation. He became used as a draught dog by butchers, and even today when he is no longer used for pulling these little carts, his name continues to be linked with that of the butcher. He became known as Rottweil Butcher’s Dog and later this was shortened to Rottweiler. The butcher used the larger dogs for pulling carts and the smaller ones for herding and driving cattle. After the driving of cattle was forbidden the Rottweiler population declined sharply and in 1905 there was only one bitch to be found in the whole of Rottweil.
[Source acknowledgement: b/w photo above with cow and butcher: Clara Hurley, Powderhorn Press from translated version of The Rottweiler in Word and Picture published by ADRK in 1926]
A club was formed in Germany in 1907 devoted to safeguarding the purity and well being of the breed; organising the keeping of breeding records, to fix the standard of the breed, and to preserve its working qualities. Planned breeding was started and efforts to improve the external appearance carried out with much care and thought.
[The winner of the Breeder Group - 'vom Kohlerwald' at the Dortmund Winners Show June 1932]
Today Rottweilers are used in Germany by the Police, Customs and Army; in Denmark mainly for Police duties; in Switzerland by the Customs and in Norway some are used for mountain rescue work; their exceptional noses and hardiness making them very suitable. They are also used as border guards, their disposition to work silently being invaluable for such work.
[Photo copyright and permission to use: Keine Zandbergen (Ter Waele Rottweilers) Holland]
The development of the Rottweiler in the UK
The first Rottweiler was imported into the UK in 1936 by Mrs Phil (Thelma) Gray of the Rozavel kennels. This bitch was called Rozavel Diana von der Amalienburg SchH I born in May 1934 but she was not successfully bred from. Mrs. Gray continued to import more dogs, but due to the outbreak of World War II in 1939 they were sent over to Ireland for safe-keeping. After the war, attempts were made to find them and return them to England but they had vanished without trace.
The first post-war Rottweilers were imported by Captain F. Roy Smith of the Royal Veterinary Corps in March 1953. They were Ajax von Fuhrenkamp and Berny von Weyher [right]. However, this breeding pair was unsuccessful in producing a litter.
After a time, many more Rottweilers were imported from Europe and a breeding pattern was gradually established. The Rottweiler was first registered by the Kennel Club as a breed in its own right in 1965 although in 1936 the breed was listed by the Kennel Club as “Any Other Breed or Variety of British, Colonial or Foreign Dog Not Classified” !!
Yearly registrations have risen steadily from about 48 in 1966 to 6,575 in 2006. The Rottweiler had been little known to the general public until 1989, when the yearly registration hit a frighteningly high figure of 10,341. The breed hit the headlines in the newspapers, suffering the most appalling persecution from the public and media alike. Thankfully today, the registrations are much much lower and the breed is once more acceptable to the public.
These are not my Dad's own words, so he can't take credit for it. The article is from the Rottweiler Club.
This article is carrying on from the Dogue de Bordeaux one to help people better understand my breed.
History of the Dogue de Bordeaux.
Hi everyone. I've had a few queries off people regarding my breed & not being familiar with it.
I'm a Dogue de Bordeaux X Rottweiler & presume they're referring to the Dogue de Bordeaux side of me.
This information comes courtesy of the United Kennel Club & not my Dad's own words.
Official U.K.C. Breed Standard* Guardian Dogs Group
© Copyright 1998 - 2005, United Kennel Club, Inc.
HISTORY: The Dogue de Bordeaux is one of the oldest French breeds. Its actual origins are obscure but it is probably descended from one of the strains of Mastiff-type dogs that accompanied Macedonian and Roman armies through Asia, Europe, and Britain. A 14th century writer describing the Alaunt Veutreres, a probable ancestor of the Dogue de Bordeaux, wrote that this dog "holds his bite stronger than three sight hounds." By the middle of the 19th century, the Dogue de Bordeaux was little known outside of Aquitaine where it was used to hunt large animals, such as boar; to fight; to guard homes and cattle; and in the service of butchers. The Dogue de Bordeaux was entered under its present name in the first dog show held in France in 1863. The breed narrowly missed extinction during the two world wars but enjoyed a resurgence in the 1960's. Sometime in the early 1980's, the first Dogue de Bordeaux was imported to the United States. The breed is used today almost exclusively as a family companion and house guardian. I'm a Dogue de Bordeaux X Rottweiler & presume they're referring to the Dogue de Bordeaux side of me.
This information comes courtesy of the United Kennel Club & not my Dad's own words.
Official U.K.C. Breed Standard* Guardian Dogs Group
© Copyright 1998 - 2005, United Kennel Club, Inc.
The United Kennel Club recognized the Dogue de Bordeaux on January 1, 1995.
GENERAL APPEARANCE:The Dogue de Bordeaux is a well-balanced, massive, powerfully-built dog with a very muscular body and a short coat. The Dogue is somewhat low in stature with a huge head, furrowed by wrinkles, topped with small, pendant ears. The tail is thick at the base and tapering to the tip and is set and carried low. The breed is presented in a completely natural condition and should be evaluated equally for correct conformation, temperament, gait, and structural soundness. Disqualifications: Any identifiable, disabling defect.
CHARACTERISTICS:Careful breeding has modified the formerly aggressive temperament of this breed. Today, the Dogue de Bordeaux is a natural guardian, vigilant and courageous without being aggressive. The Dogue de Bordeaux is very affectionate, devoted to its master, and excellent with children. Faults: Overly aggressive; timid. Disqualifications: Viciousness, marked shyness or cowardliness.
HEAD:The massive head of the Dogue de Bordeaux is an essential breed characteristic. In males, the circumference of the skull taken at the widest point is roughly equal to the dog's height at the withers. In females, the circumference may be slightly less. Viewed from the front, the head forms a trapezoid. The longer topline of the skull and the shorter line of the underjaw form the parallel sides of the trapezoid. Faults: Short, round head; "Bulldog" head, i.e., flat skull & muzzle shorter than one-quarter of the head length. Disqualification: Long, narrow head with insufficiently pronounced stop.
SKULL:The skull is large, slightly domed, and broad between the ears. Viewed from the top, the skull appears square. The volume and shape of the skull result from the very important development of the temporal bones, the supraorbital ridges, the zygomatic arches, and the spacing of the mandibles. There is a deep median furrow that diminishes in depth from the stop to the occiput. The stop is very deep and abrupt, almost at a right angle with the muzzle. Despite the depth of the stop, the forehead is wider than it is high.
MUZZLE:The muzzle is broad, thick, and short with moderately obvious folds. There is almost no taper to the muzzle. It is square when viewed from above and the circumference of the muzzle is equal to two-thirds the circumference of the skull. The top line of the muzzle rises slightly from the stop to the nose, forming a very obtuse angle with the line of the forehead. The maximum length of the muzzle is equal to one-third the total length of the head; the minimum length of the muzzle is one-quarter of the length of the head. The ideal is between these two extremes. When the head is held horizontally, the end of the muzzle extends beyond a vertical line drawn from the tip of the nose. The jaws are very broad and powerful. Lips are thick and moderately pendulous. When the mouth is closed, the upper lip hangs over side of the lower jaw. The chin is well defined and must neither overlap the upper lip nor be covered by it. Disqualifications: Muzzle longer than one-third head length; muzzle parallel to top line of the skull or downfaced.
TEETH:The Dogue de Bordeaux has a complete set of large, evenly spaced, white teeth. The incisors are well-aligned, particularly the lower incisors which form an apparently straight line. An undershot bite is characteristic of the breed with the inside of the lower incisors extending in front of the upper incisors at least 2 inch and no more than three-quarters inch. Teeth are not visible when the mouth is closed. Faults: Incisors always visible when mouth is closed. Disqualifications: Wry mouth; mouth not undershot. Canines always visible when mouth is closed. Tongue always protruding when mouth is closed.
NOSE:Nose colour is black on black-masked dogs; brown on brown-masked dogs; or reddish pink on unmasked dogs. The nose is broad and well-pigmented with well-opened nostrils. An upturned nose is permissible but the tip of the nose must not be set back deeply between the eyes like an English Bulldog.
EYES:The eyes are large but not protruding, oval, and set well apart-at least twice the length of the eye opening. Colour ranges from hazel to dark brown. Lighter eye colours are acceptable but not preferred in dogs without a mask or dogs with red masks. Haw is not visible. Pigment of eye rims matches nose pigment. Faults: Protruding eyes.
EARS:The ears are pendant and relatively small. They are set high, level with the upper line of the skull, accentuating the skull's width. At the base, the ear is just slightly raised in front and then hangs along the cheek. The tip is slightly rounded. When pulled toward the eye, the ear should not extend past the inside corner of the eye. The coat on the ears is slightly darker than the body coat.
NECK:The neck is thick, muscular, and almost cylindrical with very little taper from the shoulder to the head. The neck is slightly arched at the crest and blends smoothly into well-laid-back shoulders. There is a slight transverse furrow separating the neck from the head. The average circumference of the neck is almost equal to the circumference of the skull. The well-defined dewlap starts at the level of the throat and forms folds down to the chest. Faults: Excessive dewlap.
FOREQUARTERS:The shoulders are powerful and heavily muscled. The shoulder blade is well laid back and forms, with the upper arm, an angle just slightly greater than 90E. The forelegs are heavily boned and very muscular. The elbows are set on a plane parallel to the body, neither close to the body nor turned out. Viewed from the front, the forelegs are perpendicular to the ground or may, especially in a dog with a very broad chest, incline slightly inward. The pasterns are short, powerful, and slightly sloping when viewed in profile. Viewed from the front, the pasterns are either straight or may turn slightly outward in compensation where the foreleg inclines inward around a wide chest. Faults: Toeing inward; extreme toeing outward; fiddle front.
BODY:The chest is deep and broad. The ribs are well sprung from the spine and then flatten to form a deep body extending below the elbows. The topline inclines very slightly downward from well-developed withers to a broad, muscular back. The short, broad loin blends into a moderately sloping croup. The flank is somewhat tucked up and firm. Faults: Barrel chest; roached back.
HINDQUARTERS:The hindquarters are powerful but slightly less broad than the forequarters. The angulation of the hindquarters is in balance with the angulation of the forequarters. The thighs are well-developed with thick, easily discerned muscles. Stifles may turn slightly outward and hocks may turn slightly inward. The lower thighs are muscular and short. Rear pasterns are sinewy and well let down with the angle of the hock moderately open. Viewed from behind, the rear pasterns are parallel. Faults: Flat thighs; straight stifles; straight hock, sickle hock, cow hock or barrel hock.
FEET:Feet are large, oval, strong, and tight, with hind feet slightly longer than front feet. Pads are well developed, with strong nails, preferably pigmented. Despite its weight, the Dogue de Bordeaux is well up on its toes. Faults: Splay feet.
TAIL:The tail is uncut, very thick at the base, and tapering to the tip. The tail is set low at the base of the croup. When the dog is relaxed, the tail is carried low, just reaching to the hock. When the dog is moving or excited, the tail is carried level with the back or only slightly above level, but never over the back or curled. Disqualifications: Kink or screw tail. Atrophied tail.
COAT: The coat is short, fine and soft to the touch.
COLOUR:Solid colour in any shade of fawn, ranging from mahogany to isabella. Colour on the ears is somewhat darker than the body coat. Limited white patches are permissible on the chest and feet. Good pigmentation is preferred. Dogs may or may not be masked as follows: Black mask. There may be slight black shading on the ears, neck, top of the body, and on the skull, except that the mask may not extend past the supraorbital ridges to the topskull. Black-masked dogs have black nose pigment. Brown mask (formerly called "red mask" or "bistre"). Brown shading in the same places as for a black masked dog. Brown-masked dogs have brown nose pigment. No mask (also formerly called "red mask" or "bistre"). The coat is fawn and the skin appears red. An dog without a mask has a nose that is reddish or pink. Faults: White on tip of tail or on the front part of the legs above the pasterns. Disqualifications: White on the head or body.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT:Desirable height at maturity, measured at the withers, ranges from 22 to 27 inches for males and 22 to 26 inches for females. Dogs in good condition should weight at least 110 pounds and bitches at least 99. All other things being equal, the larger dog should be given preference over the smaller.
GAIT:The gait of the Dogue de Bordeaux is free, smooth, and powerful. When viewed from the side, reach and drive indicate maximum use of the dog's moderate angulation. As the gait quickens, the head tends to drop and the feet tend to converge toward the centre line of balance but do not cross over. The Dogue de Bordeaux is capable of great speed over short distances. Faults: Stilted movement; serious rolling in the rear.
DISQUALIFICATIONS:Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid. Viciousness, marked shyness or cowardliness. Long, narrow head with insufficiently pronounced stop. Muzzle longer than one-third head length. Muzzle parallel to top line of the skull or downfaced. Wry mouth. Mouth not undershot. Canines always visible when mouth is closed. Tongue always protruding when mouth is closed. Kink or screw tail. Atrophied tail. White on the head or body. Any coat colour other than fawn. Any identifiable disabling defect.
* NOTE: This information is the sole property of The United Kennel Club, Inc. and is used here for
reference only.
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