Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Cocos life.

We got Cocos ashes back yesterday Monday 24/11/2014 the vets also gave us a lovely card. And had a little drink and lit a candle to celebrate his life I think it sounds better than his passing plus Coco wouldn't want us to be sad. He will be pain free and laying down the law now, he wasn't afraid to voice his opinion.

The card and lovely verse from the vets.

Thank you everyone for all your condolences Coco would of felt honoured knowing he was loved the world over and not just locally.

We've decided to plant a rose bush in his memory and scatter some of his ashes in the back garden and to scatter the rest on Conniston water whilst we're away on holiday.

Where we are scattering Cocos ashes it's nice and quiet with a bench to sit and have some quiet time.

Memorial print and plaque for the garden.

Some of the lovely tributes for Coco.

Kindly made by Ann Adamus from Zoolatry

We hadn't had Coco all that long but in the short time we had he left huge paw prints on our hearts.

It was 2 years to the day when Coco first walked through the front door but we didn't adopt him until May last year.

before we adopted Coco whenever we were walking up the road to the shops Coco would always follow us and either Anne or myself would have to wait at the top of the road so he wouldn't follow us to the main road, he would always wait until we were all together again and walk back with us chatting away and jumping up on the wall to give us head rubs. When we got home he would just walk in the house and go upstairs for something to eat and then sleep it off, he was hard faced and cheeky and knew what he wanted and invariably got it, it was his cheeky side which made Sheba like him so much he would never back down to her and was definitely the boss.

Coco had celebrity status around the neighbourhood everyone knew him because of his outgoing friendly nature he would stop for anyone who would offer him a stroke. Coco was a food thief and wouldn't think anything of walking in to a house and helping himself to a chicken or salmon fillet.

Before Coco moved in.

When we adopted Coco we kept him as an indoor cat and he never wanted to go back outside again.

Some photos showing Cocos happy/loving and cheeky side.

One thing our previous pets taught us was to take plenty of photos to go with the memories stored in our heads.

I was really looking forward to this Christmas with him he had settled in and his true character was showing through, one of my fondest memories was making a fish pie and Coco helping me in the kitchen he was chief taster when my back was turned I heard a slurping sound and he was drinking the milk out of the jug, he never failed to make us laugh, I've got to cook Christmas dinner without my little helper now it won't feel the same.

Cody and Sheba have been brilliant in helping us cope with our grief, now to see what surprises 2015 throws up for us, we always seem to get the poorly cats as if someone's saying show them love they've not got long with us.

Until we meet again you will never be forgotten.

Monday, 17 November 2014

RIP Coco.

Sadly we had to make that heart breaking descision to let Coco join the rest of the clan at Rainbow Bridge.

We got a phone call off the vets to say his kidneys were damaged but not critical and he needed all his teeth out, I thought that's not a problem I went to get the money to pay for his treatment when I got another phone call to say she had had another look at the ultra sound and had found a tumor.

After losing Oscar to FeLV I can't believe we've had to make the same heartbreaking descision again, It was in Coco's best interests though and we've always said we wont let a pet suffer no matter how hard it is to let go.

I just feel like shutting the outside world out and getting drunk I think It's only right we celebrate his life no matter how short it was.

RIP Coco.

Gone but never forgoten I might not of known you as long as I would of liked, but you spread a lot of happiness in that short space of time, tea time won't be the same without you trying to rob a sausage, pork pie or egg custard off my plate, I would give anything to get them nights back, and who's going to help me make fish pie.

Coco with his best mate.

Cody and Coco.

Please say your prayers for Coco.

Hi everyone we might not be around for a while, we've had to rush Coco to the vets and the vet thinks It's kidney failure she's just running tests now to determine it and if so he might not be coming home. Just waiting for a phone call now.

Please keep Coco in your thoughts.

I will keep you all updated but at the moment I don't feel like blogging.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Sergeant Stubby.

In memory of the fallen.

Sergeant Stubby 1916 or 1917 - March 16th 1926.

Nobody knows exactly when Sergeant Stubby was born as he was found as a stray wandering across Yale field Connecticut during an army training session making friends with all the soldiers, One soldier especially liked him. His name was Corporal Robert Conroy. Conroy named him Stubby probably because of his short stubby tail. Corporal Conroy was so smitten with Stubby that when it came time to ship out to the Western Front, he smuggled the dog onto the vessel bound for France. Even when he was discovered, he was allowed to remain with Conroy and so found himself on the Western Front in the thick of combat.
Sergeant Stubby soon became the mascot of the 102nd Infantry, 26th Yankee Division. He learned the bugle calls, the drills, and even a modified dog salute as he put his right paw on his right eyebrow when a salute was executed by his fellow soldiers. Stubby had a positive effect on morale, and was allowed to remain in the camp, even though animals were forbidden. When the division shipped out for France aboard the SS Minnesota, Private Conroy smuggled Stubby aboard. Hidden in the coal bin until the ship was far at sea, Stubby was brought out on deck where the sailors were soon won over by the canine soldier. Stubby was once again smuggled off the ship and was soon discovered by Pvt. Conroy's commanding officer. The CO allowed Stubby to remain after Stubby gave him a salute. When the Yankee Division headed for the front lines in France, Stubby was given special orders allowing him to accompany the Division to the front lines as their official mascot.

Stubby was injured once due to shrapnel from a grenade, and at least once from gas exposure.  After each injury, Stubby was treated at nearby hospitals just like the two-legged soldiers, and like the two-legged soldiers, when he was well enough to be moved, he was taken to a Red Cross Recovery Hospital.   When Stubby became well enough to move around at the hospital, he began to spend his time visiting the wounded soldiers and socializing with the nurses.   Stubby's actions at the hospital proved a great asset in improving the morale of the injured soldiers.   Soon, Stubby's recovery was complete and he was returned to his Division.   

Stubby's experience with the gas made him sensitive to even the smallest amount.   Due to his sensitivity to gas, Stubby was responsible for saving his entire company.   When an early morning gas attack was launched by the Germans, the men in Stubby's portion of the trenches were sleeping, unaware that a gas attack had been launched.   As soon as he picked up the smell of the gas, Stubby ran through the trench barking and biting at the soldiers shirts and boots waking them.  Soon, as a result of Stubby's actions, the gas alarm was sounded and many men were saved from injury.  With his job done, Stubby left the trench to avoid the gas and didn't return until he felt it was safe.

Stubby also became an expert in locating wounded men in the "no man's land" between the trenches of the opposing armies.   Stubby would listen for injured and lost men shouting in English.  He would then go out to them and bark for paramedics or lead the uninjured ones back to the safety of the trenches.  

His acute doggy hearing, allowed him the advantage of hearing even the quietest sounds from advancing enemy and so Stubby proved excellent at silently alerting his comrades when he could hear the enemy was near. His major triumph was hearing a German spy who had tried to sneak into Conroy's camp during the dead of night. The loyal and diligent Stubby managed to grab the intruder's leg and immobilize him until Conroy and other troops came to investigate and imprison the German. He also asserted himself as a 'mercy' dog, scanning the battle fields for injured soldiers and comforting them whilst they lay dying or alerting paramedics to the wounded. 

Sergeant Stubby passed away in his sleep in 1926 at the (approximate) age of ten. Nowadays his taxidermized corpse is featured with its own exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.

Sergeant Stubby the most decorated dog in history kindle edition. 

Saturday, 8 November 2014

#The Fifth Paw.

Hi everyone I've just been contacted by Stephen Longo of the Fifth Paw company to help raise awareness  that the FifthPaw is now available to UK residents through Amazon USA.

Sheba modelling the Fifth Paw for photo purposes.

The first thing I noticed was how easy it was to attach to the lead with clear instructions on the packaging and a very helpful video which I've posted above. It will make life a lot easier having a spare hand free instead of swinging poop bags the fifth paw has 3 clips so carrying multiple poop bags around isn't a problem  and with it being permanently attached to the lead you don't have to worry about forgetting it, also with Sheba being reactive to other dogs it will give me more control of Sheba having an extra hand free.

I'm away on holiday over the Christmas up to the Lake District and most of our walks are out in the wilds away from all the crowds with no bins in sight, after being out all day we can end up with 3 or 4 poop bags until we get back to the car so the Fifth Paw will be invaluable. When we get back off holiday I will get an in depth report up then after it's been well used.

Contact information info@thefifthpaw.com

#The Fifth Paw.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


Instead of sharing an adoptable dog I'm going to share Jasper who's been missing since the 2nd November in the hope we can get him reunited with his owner. Jasper is nearly 5  years old and microchipped. I hope you don't mind.

PLEASE SHARE! Just now I've lost Jasper! Last with me at 2.00pm at Cam Spout Crag below Sca Fell Pike. This is the last photo of us together. I've just got off the fell now before dark hit. Anyone who knows the area will know he's in the most inaccessible area of the lakes and could end up in a number of valleys! If you see him please could you let me know. The plan is to head out tomorrow to look for him and inform all the hotels/pubs in Langdale, Wasdale, Borrowdale and Ennerdale. Many thanks for all your help, I know you will all be great in helping me out here!


Scafell Pike lost dog appeal goes viral

owner Adam Nolan confirmed Jasper is microchipped, they are covering Low Gale/Ambleside today searching

An appeal to find a dog that went missing in the Lake District has gone viral.
Owner Adam Nolan, from Whitehaven, put out the appeal after losing his Border Collie 'Jasper' at Cam Spout Crag below Scafell Pike on 2nd November.
"I know people may say 'he's just a dog'," says Adam on Facebook, "but to me he leaves the same void as if I were to lose someone very close to me."
His appeal on Facebook has had over 60,000 people sharing the link. On Twitter hundreds of people are also offering their support.

Let's get trending his owner Adam Nolan is heading out again tomorrow, clothes left where lost pls
Great News.

The best Christmas present ever for Adam and Jasper and a big well done to all the volunteers.

I'm over the moon to announce the safe return of my best friend Jasper.
This morning Geoff Horky ascended Scafell Pike in response to the information received yesterday regarding the sighting of Jasper Near the Scafell Pike summit. Geoff found Jasper at 2.00am in very good condition. The Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team were then alerted and began the rescue operation. Upon hearing the news I followed the Wasdale Mountain Rescue team to Lingmell Col were I was united with Jasper.
Naturally there are numerous individual who I would like to thank, but at the moment I would say a huge thank you to Geoff and the Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team for their heroic efforts this morning.
A JustGiving site has been set up and I would appreciate if anyone would like to send donations, that they are sent via this method, using www.justgiving.com/findjasper.
Currently the team are aiming to raise £500,000 for a new base. I'd also like to remind you that these special guys undertake their work on a completely voluntary and unpaid basis. All the help you can give these guys would be greatly appreciated.