Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Friday, 15 August 2014

Traveling with a reactive dog, #Woof Support.

I'm quite lucky with Sheba in the fact that she loves travelling in the car, probably because her first journey in a car was with us to her forever home and than trips to the countryside or park to make travelling fun for her instead of making it a negative experience by the first trip being to the vets.

It wasn't to bad when we had the other car a saloon Sheba would just fall asleep on the back seat.

But since we've changed cars to an estate things are different, Sheba loves having her own space in the back but instead of sleeping she will spend the whole journey sat up looking out of the back window, which is fine on the motorway but a nuisance around town where she barks at every dog she sees.

Our new car.

Sheba's quite happy in the back.

Sheba's even happy when surrounded by holiday stuff.

Sheba even thought on holiday this year she would share the driving.

I've tried using an anti bark collar on her, but I think I've got the only dog that likes the smell of citronella.

Another solution I'm looking at is a ThunderShirt or ThunderCap, US store.

ThunderShirt or ThunderCap, UK store.

I would try her in a dog crate with a towell or sheet over it, but she's never been crate trained so could end up stressing her out more.

Another solution was blacking out the rear windows but she would probably scratch it of.

I might give the Thunder Shirt a try as it will help calm her when the fireworks start hopefully.

If I'm driving fast enough I've drove passed the dog before she has time to react, but if I'm stuck at traffic lights she will just keep barking untill the dog is out of sight.

On a positive note her training with Ryan is going great and she has really took to him.  

Sheba making friends instead of enemies on holiday.

She's calmed down a lot around other dogs depending on there energy if there calm Sheba's calm but if there all boisterous and get in her face to much she will still put them in there place.

This is the WOOF Support Blog Hop, where reactive dogs and their owners can come together to share similar experiences.  Are you a reactive/fearful dog or its owner?  Then please join us and share your story.  The Blog Hop is open through Sunday.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Me with the two favourite women in my life Mum and Grandma.

Me with the family Mum, Dad and Grandma.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Meet Heidi.

Heidi is still looking for her forever home.

If people want money get a job don't breed your dogs to within an inch of there life, and then dump them when they no longer serve a purpose, a dog is for life not like a car that you can just swap for a younger one or if it needs money spending on it.

I wish people would do there homework before buying a dog they are living creatures that deserve to be loved as a member of there family.

And some of the excuses people come up with for rehoming dogs is ridiculous. I've found out I'm pregnent so no longer need a dog, I didn't expect him/her to grow so big, The colour of the dog doesn't match the furnishings, the dog leaves fur everywhere, I've just had a baby and not got time for a dog, I can't afford vet treatment, I got home from work after a 12 hour shift and the puppy had soiled in the house and the list goes on.

All excuses and so easily avoided by doing a bit of research. Sorry for the rant but it gets really frustrating at times.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Bloat and Gastric Torsion.

I get all our flea treatment, worm tablets, Sheba's joint tablets and any medication from viovet I would recommend them to anyone I've always had excellent service off them and in most case next day delivery if I ordered early enough, and one of the things I like most is the savings over vets prices enabling me to feed Sheba, Cody and Coco a better quality diet.

This week in there newsletter was this excellent article on Bloat and Gastric Torsion. Thank you very much Hannah Dyball for allowing me to share this post. I've got a few friends who have lost there Dogue De Bordeaux's lately to bloat  and it is horrible it's a good idea to know the signs and to act quickly and keep the phone number of the emergency vet on you at all times,  bloat is not just limited to large breed dogs even small deep chested dogs like Dachshund's etc are also at risk.

Cody likes it when I order off viovet because he gets a free house  LOL.

Bloat and Gastric Torsion

Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) is a condition all dog owners know about and fear. Otherwise known as bloat or gastric/stomach torsion, the condition onsets quickly and can be fatal if left untreated. While it can affect any dog, it is far more prevalent in deep-chested, large breed dogs.

So, what is GDV?
Full blown gastric dilatation-volvulus begins with bloat (dilatation) whereby the stomach swells with gas, fluid or food and develops into painful twisting and rotating of the stomach (volvulus), which is far more serious and difficult to treat. If bloat is detected early, the catastrophic effects of gastric dilatation-volvulus can be prevented.

Bloat may occur in all dogs to some extent after a meal, but most will typically belch or vomit to relieve the build-up. If the stomach is twisted, belching and vomiting becomes impossible and the gas is trapped rather than relieved. Several factors contribute to the occurrence of bloat and most of these are preventable.

Sometimes a dog will take in lots of air when eating (hence why encouraging slower eating is important - check out VioVet's range of slow feeders) or fermenting food in the stomach causes a build-up of gas. Bloat can also develop when a dog drinks lots of water or exercises immediately before or after eating. This causes the stomach to swell uncomfortably – in some cases, to such an extent that the stomach twists and rotates. When this happens, the dog is at high risk of deterioration and death. In fact, even with treatment, as many as 30% of dogs will die.

As the stomach rotates, the esophagus is closed off meaning there is nowhere for the gas to escape from. Loss of blood to the stomach, spleen and other organs can occur as the build-up of gas traps blood vessels. At this point, it is likely the dog will go into toxic shock and deteriorate quickly. Immediate veterinary help is essential if the dog is to be saved.

What are the signs my dog has GDV?
Because of the nature of the condition, early detection is paramount. Most dogs with bloat will display common signs of discomfort such as restlessness, lethargy, excessive salivation, panting and anxiety. If your dog is vomiting, it probably has bloat that has not yet progressed to stomach twisting or volvulus. If, on the other hand, your dog is retching or straining but not producing anything, the problem might be more serious.

Other signs to look out for include difficulty breathing, abdominal hardness and evidence of distended stomach. This might appear as protruding ribs or a peculiar fullness in the abdominal area. Try gently pressing the stomach to gauge your dog's reaction; if it is tender to touch and your dog shows visible signs of pain, take it straight along to the vet. If your dog's condition has already progressed to gastric torsion, the signs are likely to be more obvious and severe. Pale and/or cold lips are a sign your dog has probably gone into shock. Ideally, you should check this as soon as you start noticing symptoms and go from there.

If you have a large breed dog such as a Great Dane, Mastiff, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Boxer, Dobermann, Setter or St. Bernard, you should pay particular attention to the signs and symptoms as these breeds are most susceptible to GDV.

How do I prevent GDV?
Preventing bloat and gastric torsion in susceptible dogs is not always fail-safe. But luckily there are a number of things you can do to minimise your risk as much as possible.

First of all, bear in mind what you are feeding your dog. Most dogs who suffer from bloat eat large quantities of dry kibble. This absorbs water and swells. A simple test would be to fill a bowl with your dry kibble and submerge it in water.Leave the bowl overnight and have a look in the morning to see whether the water has been absorbed and how much the kibbles have grown.

Gauge yourself whether the amount the kibbles have swollen would cause an uncomfortable swelling in the gut. If you think it would, change onto something else. Bear in mind that cereal-based foods cause lots of fermentation - a leading cause of excessive gas. Try to avoid these where possible.

Also consider how much you are feeding your dog. Like horses and humans, dogs are better suited to eating small meals more regularly rather than one or two large meals a day. You don't want to overload the stomach or leave it so that your dog is starving hungry and wolfs down its food. Feeding small meals
regularly also helps absorb stomach acid in the gut and keeps the digestive processes ticking over. Encourage slow eating by placing a ball or toy in the food bowl or invest in a slow feeder - specially designed to extend the feeding process.

Avoid exercising your dog before and after eating. This is especially important after a meal as food is still being digested. Some experts suggest a window of 2 hours after food before exercise or any sort of activity can commence, therefore allowing food to be properly processed. It is also recommended that water is withheld for 30 minutes after feeding so as not to overload the stomach.

In short, be wary of what and how much you feed your dog throughout the day and pay particular notice to their behaviour after a large meal. Allow your dog to rest and relax until the food has been digested and keep water away for a short period. We know ourselves how exercising on a full stomach can cause indigestion and discomfort but for dogs the result can be much more serious. If you suspect your dog has bloat, take it along to the vet straight away. The sooner the condition is dealt with, the less likely it is to develop into gastric torsion.

If you have any comments, please share them with us :) Feel free to email me directly with any questions or suggestions for future blog posts:

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Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Wordless Wednesday. New scratching post.

I've just treated Cody and Coco to a new scratching post as usual Cody couldn't wait for me to empty the box so he could jump in, at the moment he's curled up asleep in it he won't use cat beds I should of learnt by now to just pick up an empty box from the supermarket LOL