Sunday, 30 June 2013

5 Things Your Vet Should Never Say to You.

5 Things Your Vet Should Never Say to You

If you ever hear your veterinarian utter these words, it's time to get a new one -- right away. 

Do you have a great relationship with your dog's veterinarian? If you answer yes, cherish and nurture that relationship and thank your lucky stars. For every 10 dog moms and dads I encounter who tell me they love their veterinarian, there are probably two or three who tell me horror stories. For those totally fantastic, caring veterinarians out there who are dedicated to dog health and reading this article, I commend and applaud you. If any of the following hits a nerve and you are a practicing veterinarian, please change. The dogs of this world depend on you, as do the majority of loving dog parents.


Hi everyone i was asked to take the post down by Dogster you can view the full post here.

Post courtesy of Carol Bryant @ For the love of dog. Dogster. Carol can also be found on her blog @ Fidose of Reality. ps Carol i hope you don't mind me sharing your post off dogster.

I had to change Sheba's vets because i didn't like the way she was treated when she was a puppy she was nervous of the vets and the vet didn't help when she went to be Spayed she put her brakes on and didn't want to go into the consulting room so the vet grabbed the lead off me and dragged Sheba into the room saying he hasn't got time to mess around, and on another occasion our cat millie got attacked by a neighbours dog and was rushed to the local vet who Sheba was registered with they gave us a phone call to say they didn't think she would make it and could we go straight down to see them we were allowed to see Millie for 5 minutes which turned out to be the last time we saw her alive, they were more concerned about us paying for her treatment the vet was supposed to phone us with an update at 8am i waited until 10am never heard anything phoned them up only to be told she died at 3am and they had been to busy to phone me, when we went to collect Millies body they were sat around drinking tea I've never sat foot in the place since.

Than things changed for the better we phoned up the vet Millie was registered with explained what had happened and asked if he could arrange for her to be cremated, he even arranged for his receptionist to come and pick the body up in case i found it to stressful driving with her body in the car, when we got to the vets Simon the vet said said spend as long as you need to say goodbye.

The difference in professionalism is amazing we've got Cody and our going to get Coco registered with the same vet he only treats felines so there's no barking dogs in the waiting area he's more like a family friend instead of our vet he never rushes you and explains everything to you, he's one in a million i just wish i could find a vet as good for Sheba.

Here he is.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Coco update.

First off i can use my computer again it still crashes now and then but at least i can get back into it again i can't believe my anti virus didn't pick anything up though, out of frustration i restored back to factory settings but forgot to back up so i lost all my photos.

Coco is settling in really well considering we've only had him just over a week, when we got him he was all skin and bone, had an oily coat and flaky skin and had a bit of an aroma to him after being put on a good diet he's putting on weight, his coat is softer to the touch, he doesn't scratch any more and he smells nice and clean again at first we thought the smell was related to gingivitis (dental problems)  or renal problems but with it just clearing up i think it might just of been poor diet and bad personnel hygiene as he grooms himself a lot more now.

He seems a lot happier in himself now that he's settling in and Sheba's realised he's not a toy lol since we've had him he's not been out and not shown any signs of wanting to go out considering he was an outdoor cat i think he's enjoying his home comforts and having a nice lap to lie on, he also loves his food and when he's finished will try and eat Cody's and Sheba's food as well.

I can't believe his previous owner hasn't asked about him considering she only lives over the road, he was supposed to be destructive and aggressive towards there other cat but hasn't shown any signs of them.

Can cats suffer from depression as that could explain a lot, if he felt he wasn't welcome or loved where he was i thought he might of pined for his previous owner but it's as if she didn't exist.

Coco gets on great with Sheba now that she's calmed around him i think he's been watching Cody as he just walks past her now all confident instead of creeping past her, Cody's slowly coming around to having another cat the only time he hits Coco is around food or if Coco invades his space they have started playing together now though which is a good sign.

Some photos of  Coco.

Waiting for tea.

Waiting for treats.

Watching telly with Dad.

Sheba and Coco getting to know each other.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Computer problems.

Hi everyone i might not be around as regular as usual, my computer got hacked and i couldn't get access to my desktop it kept crashing all the time so I've done a factory restore i can now get to my desktop but only in safe mode, i don't know how stable it will be or whether it will start crashing again.

Thank you for your patience whilst i get these issues resolved and i apologise for any inconvenience caused, i can still receive messages through my G Mail account on my mobile phone.

I'm sorry if i don't get around to visiting everyones blogs or posting as regular as usual but don't worry hopefully everything will be back to normal soon.

Thank you Sheba.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Two new additions to the family.

Sorry for not being around over the weekend but It's been hectic.

It's been a weekend of surprises, first off Dad bought himself a new car me a new taxi Its got plenty of room in the back for me and camping stuff, as long as we can fit the BBQ Sausages and Bacon in it I'll be happy.

Me trying it out for size.

The new car.

My old taxi.

At least Mum will be happy that she wont be getting squashed on the back seat.

The second surprise was even bigger and resulted in the second addition to the family, you might remember last month i told you about Cody's new playmate Coco you can read it here well  he's now become a permanent member of the family. 

When we got home on Friday night after picking up the new car my taxi, there was a letter waiting for Mum and Dad off Coco's owner saying she didn't want him anymore as he was to much trouble scratching everywhere and annoying her other cat and would Mum and Dad have him as she'd know he would be well looked after, and like a couple of idiots the nice people they are they said yes. I wouldn't mind but i specifically said no more felines only canines but did they listen oh no.

Coco is a two year old Cornish Rex.

Cody likes him accept for when he's having a boxing match with him, i think he's a little bit jealous. I'm starting to get on with him better now apart from when he's swearing at me for sniffing his bum, one good thing about it is i get loads more treats if i behave around him.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Summertime pet safety (Infographic)

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

It’s important to keep pets cool during the summer to avoid a potentially deadly case of heat stroke. Symptoms of heat stroke include excessive panting, unsteadiness when standing or walking, seizures, bloody diarrhea or vomiting, a rapid heartbeat and a body temperature between 104 and 110 degrees.
summertime safety for your pet

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Ralph's still looking for his forever home.

  1. Ralph has still not found his forever home please share him and help him to find his forever home. He is a stunning boy who just needs someone to take him under their wing and love him xxx

    If you are interested  please call Doreen Joy on 07812357740.
    Please email If you can offer them a home.

    Dogue de Bordeaux welfare facebook page.